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Norman Regional's HealthPlex has a nursery for newborns. You can also choose to have your baby stay with you in your room.

We have a Level II Nursery for babies needing support as they transition during the first few hours of life.

We encourage 24 hour rooming in with your new baby. This will help as you learn feeding cues and research has shown this practice improves breastfeeding outcomes. There is also no safer place for a newborn than with their mom or dad. We encourage moms to have a support person present (especially overnight) during your stay with us. When moms are in need of rest, the newborn nursery may be utilized for short intervals of time. This allows time for moms to relax as they recover from delivery knowing their baby is being safely watched over by a qualified nurse.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

The HealthPlex has a Level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or NICU for babies who need additional care. While a parent's child is in the NICU, the HealthPlex offers 'rooming in' services that allow parents to stay in a hospital room the night before baby goes home. Other features our NICU include:

  • A high-risk delivery team for premature babies or babies in distress
  • A board-certified neonatologist who is on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • Donor breast milk for babies
  • Neonatal transport
  • Kangaroo Care, a technique in which an infant is held skin-to-skin with its parent with a blanket over the baby's back to keep warm.
  • Cameras that allow families to see their babies from anywhere at any time - read this story to learn more about the cameras and how they benefit families with babies in our NICU.

The Burns family is very familiar with the Level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Norman Regional HealthPlex. All three of their babies spent time there.