Norman Regional Health System
Stacy Boothe (APRN-CNS)

3500 HealthPlex Parkway, Suite 200
Norman, OK 73072

Specializes in: Cardiology

Education: University of Oklahoma’s School of Nursing

Stacy Boothe, APRN-CNS, has healthcare experience in cardiology as an advanced practice registered nurse and clinical nurse specialist. She graduated with her Bachelors in Nursing from Langston University and completed her Masters of Science at the University of Oklahoma’s School of Nursing. She carries a national certification as an Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist.

She specializes in:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Carotid artery interventions
  • General medical cardiology

Stacy is married and has two children. She resides in Washington, OK. Stacy enjoys anything outdoors, OSU football, family time and exercising.

Visit Norman Heart & Vascular Associates.

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