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Palliative Care

Specialized care, for when you need it most. Norman Regional Hospital’s new Palliative care team considers the complex physical, psychological, social and spiritual issues associated with chronic or advanced illness. Our experts not only strive to provide the best possible care to the patient now, we also help families determine a plan for the future. Our comprehensive approach to Palliative care preserves a patient’s comfort, dignity and life.

Norman Regional Hospital
901 N. Porter Ave.
Norman, OK 73071

Palliative Care at Norman Regional

Norman Regional made a commitment to provide specialized, quality care to all our patients. The Palliative Care Center has 18 beds dedicated to oncology services and palliative care. We also offer a 7-bed Outpatient Infusion Center equipped with televisions and curtains for privacy.

The Palliative Care Center was designed to promote patient comfort. Unlike the Intensive Care Unit, family members of Palliative care patients can stay with their loved one during their entire hospital stay. Pull out sofa beds are provided in most rooms.

Norman Regional takes a team approach to Palliative care with all members working to preserve a patient’s comfort, dignity and life. Your team includes our physicians, nurses trained in Palliative care, chaplains, social workers, and case managers.

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care is specialized treatment for those suffering from terminal or irreversible illness. The Palliative care team considers the complex physical, psychological, social and spiritual issues associated with chronic or advanced illness. Our team not only strives to provide the best possible care to the patient now, we also help families determine a plan for the future.

Palliative care is different from hospice care. Palliative care provides both symptom-relieving care and care aimed at prolonging life or curing an illness. Hospice care focuses on relieving symptoms only. Our team can help you determine which type of care you need and our case managers can refer you or a loved one to a hospice if needed.

Who is Palliative Care for?

Any patient with a life-limiting illness can benefit from Palliative care. The patient may or may not be considered terminally or irreversibly ill. Signs a patient may benefit from Palliative care include:

  • Unacceptable pain or other symptoms unrelieved by the primary team
  • Uncontrolled psychological or spiritual distress
  • Frequent hospitalizations or trips to the Emergency Department within the past 30 to 60 days
  • Prolonged stay in the ICU without evidence of overall improvement