Posted: 12/18/2014
Board Meeting
December 22, 2014
5:30 p.m.
901 N. Porter
2nd Floor Board Room
I. Call to Order Mr. Clote
II. Introduction and Recognition of Outstanding Services Mr. Clote
Recognize Robin Wiens, for her Outstanding Service as an Authority Member
III. Approval of the November 24, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes Mr. Clote (Pgs. 4-12)
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Amend Minutes as Circulated
ACTION TAKEN: ___________________________________
VI. Performance Updates Ms. Anderson (Pgs13 & 14)
ACTION NEEDED: None, Information Item Only
V. Approval of the November 2014, Norman Regional Health System Financial Statements Mr. Hopkins (Pgs.15-63)
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove November 2014 NRHS Financial Statements
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
VI. Medical Staff Dr. Whitesell
A. The Medical Executive Committee Meeting did not Meet in December
ACTION NEEDED: None, Information Only
VII. Governance Committee
VIII. Patient Quality and Safety Committee
Report from the December 8, 2014 Patient Quality and Safety Committee
ACTION NEEDED: None, Information Item Only
IX Finance Committee Mr. Cubberley
A. Report from the December 15, 2014, Finance Committee
ACTION NEEDED: None, Information Item Only
B. Recommend Capital Equipment Purchase Requests (Pg. 65)
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove Capital Equipment Purchase Requests as Recommended by the Finance Committee
ACTION TAKEN: _____________________________________
X. Old Business
XI. New Business:
XII. Administrative Report Mr. Whitaker
ACTION NEEDED: None, Information Item Only
XIII. Proposed Executive Session.
A. Proposed Vote to Convene an Executive Session to Discuss with Legal Counsel Pending Internal Peer Review/Credentialing Investigation Regarding the Medical Staff Members/Applicants Listed Below, Pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307.B.4
ACTION NEEDED: Move to Convene into Executive Session to Discuss with Legal Counsel the Above Referenced Items
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
B. Approve or Disapprove the Medical Staff Recommendations Regarding the Physicians as Listed in XIII B(1-2) Below
1. Recommend Medical Staff Reappointments:
a) Tadgy Stacy, MD, Active Staff – Pediatrics Department
2. Recommend New Provisional Medical Staff Appointments
a) Saud Ahmed, MD, Active Staff – Medicine Department
b) Ahmad Ashfaq, MD, Active Staff – Medicine Department
c) Robert Cunningham, MD, Active Staff – Emergency Medicine Department
d) Kenneth Watson, DO, Active Staff – Emergency Medicine Department
e) Bethany Banakos, APRN-CNP Allied Health Staff – Pediatrics Department
f) Nichole Womble, APRN-CNP, Allied Health Staff – Hospital Med. Dept.
C. Request to Adjourn Out of Any Such Executive Session and Return to Regular Session
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove Adjournment of Any Executive Session and Return to Regular Session
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
D. Proposed Vote to Approve or Disapprove the Medical Executive Committee Recommendations Regarding Credentialing of the Referenced Medical Staff Members [As Listed in XIII B (1-2)]
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove the Medical Executive Committee Recommendations Regarding Credentialing of the Referenced Medical Staff Members [As Listed in XIII B (1-2)]
ACTION TAKEN: _______________________________________
XIV. Board Open Discussion Board Survey Mr. Clote/Mr. Whitaker
XV. Closing Comments
XVI. Adjourn
ACTION NEEDED: Motion to Adjourn the Meeting
ACTION TAKEN: _______________________________________
MISSION: Norman Regional Health System will provide quality and compassionate health care services and education to our regional community in a responsive, efficient, and safe manner.
VISION: Norman Regional Health System will improve the quality of life in our regional community.
2014-2015 Strategy Statement: Norman Regional Health System will provide leadership through the development of action steps to achieve and be recognized as the health system of choice for patients, physicians, and employees; the healthiest regional community; and the health system with the best facilities and quality outcomes.