Posted: 12/15/2022
I. Call to Order ... Mr. Cubberley
II. Post-Pandemic Realities & the Restart of Industry Transformation
A. Current State of Health Systems’ Financial Performance & Operational Dynamics
1. COVID’s Immediate and Lasting Impacts on the Industry (i.e., Where
are we now? What’s Next?)
2. Overview of Current & Future Challenges
3. Rating Agencies Healthcare Sector Viewpoint
4. Characteristics that Make Health Systems Vulnerable
5. Managing the Current Headwinds
6. Key Takeaways / Lessons Learned
B. Future Requirements for Success
1. Assessing Current Trends & Revamping Business Model(s)
2. Reassessing Strategic Focus
3. Expectations for Service Providers, 2023 and Beyond
4. Positioning for a Successful Future
5. Affiliations / Partnerships
III. Board Resolution
A. Proposed Vote to Approve or Disapprove the Resolution of the NRHA Board of Trustees Approving Certain Projects Related to Inspire Health and Cancer Care
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove the Resolution of the NRHA Board of Trustees Approving Certain Projects Related to Inspire Health and Cancer Care
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
IV. Adjourn
ACTION NEEDED: Motion to Adjourn the Meeting
ACTION TAKEN: ______________________________________
MISSION: To serve our community as the leader in health and wellness care.
VISION: To be the provider of choice to improve the health and well-being of our regional communities.