Posted: 10/31/2016
November 3, 2016
5:30 p.m.
901 N. Porter
2nd Floor Board Room
I. Call to Order Mr. Clote
II. Proposed Executive Session.
A. Proposed Vote to Convene an Executive Session Pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307(B)(1) to Discuss CEO Position and Review Possible Compensation Plan, Pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. §307.B.1.
ACTION NEEDED: Move to Convene into Executive Session to Discuss CEO Position
ACTION TAKEN: __________________________________
B. Request to Adjourn Out of Any Such Executive Session and Return to Regular Session
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove Adjournment of Any Executive Session and Return to Regular Session
ACTION TAKEN: __________________________________
III. Adjourn
ACTION NEEDED: Motion to Adjourn the Meeting
ACTION TAKEN: __________________________________
MISSION: Norman Regional Health System will serve our community as a leader in health and wellness care.
VISION: Norman Regional Health System will be the provider of choice to improve the health and well-being of our regional communities.
2016-2017 Strategy Statement: Norman Regional Health System will provide leadership through the development of action steps to achieve and be recognized as the health system of choice for patients, physicians, and employees; the healthiest regional community; and the health system with the best facilities and quality outcomes.